Customer Experiences – A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs

How do you show up to yoScreen shot 2015-04-20 at 2.20.03 PMur audience?

How you show up, and the customer experiences they have with your brand, can make all the difference to you personally, to your business success as well as your satisfaction in life.

Here is a tale of two entrepreneurs.
When you do a lot of marketing and networking online, as I do, it’s exciting to actually get to actually meet a fellow entrepreneur in person or speak to them via Skype.

I was at a marketing conference last year and was entering the ballroom after the break, when I recognized a guy in front of me, a fellow marketer, whose list I had been on for a few years after buying a few of his training products. Waiting until he finished conversing with another attendee, I approached him, excited to have the opportunity to meet him in person. I introduced myself to him and told him who I was and that I had been on his list for a while. To my great disappointment, I didn’t even get a smile. I got a grunt of acknowledgement before he stepped up his pace to catch up with the buddies he had been with, or to get away from me faster.

 People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel – Maya Angelou

The second marketer.

I was on a webinar with a marketer whose list I have also been on for a few years after buying an info product from him at one point. I was interested in the offer he was making and I had a question about the bonus.

I sent him an email, expecting that the response I got would actually come from his customer service person. Here is the email that I received:

Hi Jane! 🙂

It always makes me smile to see your name pop up in my inbox. I think you’ve been one of my longest customers. Thanks 🙂 I really appreciate it. 🙂

Roxie (my wonderful head of support / affiliate manager) has everything put together in a package so I’m going to forward this e-mail to her and she’ll take care of it.

Thanks again & I hope you’re well. 🙂

Have a great day


– Adam

Wow. Isn’t that lovely! It made me feel warm, fuzzy and appreciated. Adam has a customer for life, as well a [an even more] raving fan.

How are you showing up and treating your prospects and customers? I know which interaction I prefer to have – the same customer experience I strive to deliver.

As for the first marketer – I came home from the conference and unsubscribed from his list.

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