Jane Tabachnick & Co

Done For You Bestseller Campaign


Let’s get your book the visibility it deserves with a done for you bestseller campaign.

Done For You Bestseller CampaignMore than bragging rights, a done-for-you bestseller campaign will help your book be seen by more potential readers and will sell more books.

We have helped create over 150 Bestsellers on Amazon, which is why we are confident that we can guarantee your success with this package. See our examples below.

Our Bestseller Package includes:

  • Guaranteed bestseller campaign – your book will place in at least 2 categories in Top 5 or lower on Amazon
  • Optimized Amazon Listing – keep ranking well after your campaign is completed
  • Attractive Amazon Listing – html formatted listing makes your book shine
  • Screenshots of your Bestseller status – use in your marketing materials
  • Professional Press Release – distributed to major media including ABC, CBS, NBC,  FOX

This is a completely done for you bestseller campaign. Your friends and family don’t need to buy books. You don’t need to let your audience know it’s happening. We handle the entire campaign for you.        


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Bestseller examples:

Done For You Bestseller Campaign by JaneTabachnick.com


Your bestseller campaign is run on your Kindle book. Allow 10 days for completion.

amazon bestseller service by JaneTabachnick.com


I am ready to be a Bestselling Author!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you run the Bestseller Campaign on the print book or the kindle version?
We run the campaign only on the Kindle version of your book.

How Long Does the Bestseller Campaign Run?
The campaign runs for less than a day, however, we like to set the listing up [reduce pricing, etc] in advance, as sometimes Amazon takes awhile to implement our changes.

Do I have to give the book away for free?
No, we recommend making it $.99 or $1.99 during your Bestseller Campaign, then raising it back to your regular pricing after the book has reached Bestseller status.

Do you need to access my Amazon account?
We will need to optimize your Kindle listing from within your account. If you aren’t comfortable sharing your login info with us, we understand and have a few ways we can set up your account, so you never have to share your passwords with us.

How much time does it take to run my campaign after I place an order?
We will get started right away on researching your campaign strategy. The actual campaign will run in 28-36 days after you place your order, and depending on availability on your promotional calendar. We’ll update you on the timing, once we get your order.

Will I get proof of my Bestseller Campaign?
Yes, we take screenshots for you, that you can use in your marketing.

How do I get the most from the Bestseller Campaign?
Glad you asked. We provide a Bestselling Author Checklist. We want to make sure that get the maximum value and leverage from becoming a Bestselling Author.


Campaigns are customized for each client, and non-refundable.