40 Famous Author Quotes on Writing Nonfiction to Inspire You

famous author quotes on writing nonfiction

famous author quotes on writing nonfiction

We’ve gathered the best famous author quotes on writing nonfiction to motivate, inspire and help you write your business-building book.

If uncovering the truth is the greatest challenge of nonfiction writing, it is also the greatest reward.

Writing nonfiction is more like sculpture, a matter of shaping the research into the finished thing. Novels are like paintings, specifically watercolors. Every stroke you put down you have to go with. Of course you can rewrite, but the original strokes are still there in the texture of the thing.

In this time of the Internet and nonfiction, to be on an actual bookshelf in an actual bookstore is exciting in itself.

I do think that narrative, long-form nonfiction is the perfect form because it’s rooted in something very real, but we’re also, you know, completely spiritual, emotional creatures driven by all sorts of desires and needs.

When you deal with nonfiction, you deal with human characters.

All writers are discontented with their work as it’s being made. That’s because they’re aware of a potential and believe they’re not reaching it. But the reader is not aware of the potential, so it makes no difference to him.

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, writing takes me to another world.

One thing you learn about doing nonfiction is that you’ve got to get it right, fact-check, do your research. You’ve got to not only get the facts right but represent the subject to the world in a way that insiders feel like it’s an access port and outsiders can access it. If you’re too insider, you block access to anyone else.

In nonfiction, you have that limitation, that constraint, of telling the truth.

The challenge for a nonfiction writer is to achieve a poetic precision using the documents of truth but somehow to make people and places spring to life as if the reader was in their presence.

The privilege of being a writer is that you have this opportunity to slow down and to consider things.

Most books aren’t pure nonfiction or fiction.

In Bosnian, there’s no distinction in literature between fiction and nonfiction; there’s no word describing that.

Maybe stories are just data with a soul.

In fiction, when you paint yourself into a corner, you can write a pair of suction cups onto the bottoms of your shoes and walk up the wall and out the skylight and see the sun breaking through the clouds. In nonfiction, you don’t have that luxury.

There is no longer any such thing as fiction or nonfiction; there’s only narrative.

Truth is stranger than nonfiction. And life is too interesting to be left to journalists. People have stories, but journalists have ‘takes,’ and it’s their takes that usually win out when the stories are too complicated or, as happens, not complicated enough.

Nonfiction writers are the packhorses of literature. We’re meant to carry the story. If we can make it up and down the mountain by a reliable if not scenic route, we have delivered. Technique is optional.

I still believe nonfiction is the most important literature to come out of the second half of the 20th century.

Nonfiction is both easier and harder to write than fiction. It’s easier because the facts are already laid out before you, and there is already a narrative arc. What makes it harder is that you are not free to use your imagination and creativity to fill in any missing gaps within the story.

Non fiction is never going to die.

We often think that language mirrors the world in which we live, and I find that’s not true. The language actually makes the world in which we live. Language is not – I mean, things don’t have any mutable value by themselves; we ascribe them a value.

When I’m writing fiction I’m thinking, God, this is so hard – I have to make all this stuff up! I wish I were writing a nonfiction book where all the facts are laid out and I don’t have to be so much at sea.

Writing a nonfiction story is like cracking a safe. It seems impossible at the beginning, but once you’re in, you’re in.

An author’s ability to bring a marketing synopsis to the table – along with a great manuscript – makes a difference in what books get picked up. This is true for both fiction and nonfiction titles. You need to show your publisher what you’ve got in your marketing arsenal.

Nonfiction requires enormous discipline. You construct the terms of your story, and then you stick to them.

What I felt was, if you spend your life just writing fiction, you are going to falsify your material. And the fictional form was going to force you to do things with the material, to dramatize it in a certain way. I thought nonfiction gave one a chance to explore the world, the other world, the world that one didn’t know fully.

One of my favorite things, as a critic, was finding books by new writers who possessed a distinctive voice and vision, an inventive gift for storytelling. I also loved immersing myself in works of nonfiction that taught me something about the world, that made the past come alive or shed light on hidden corners of history or the news.

You can tell a more over-the-top incredible story if you use a nonfiction form.

What I felt was, if you spend your life just writing fiction, you are going to falsify your material. And the fictional form was going to force you to do things with the material, to dramatize it in a certain way. I thought nonfiction gave one a chance to explore the world, the other world, the world that one didn’t know fully.

I enjoy doing the research of nonfiction; that gives me some pleasure, being a detective again.

One of underestimated tasks in nonfiction writing is to impose narrative shape on an unwieldy mass of material.

“Great brands and great businesses have to be great storytellers, too. We have to tell stories – emotive, compelling stories – and even more so because we’re nonfiction.”

Like most writers, I find the Web is a wonderful distraction. Who doesn’t need that last minute research before writing?

Every successful piece of nonfiction should leave the reader with one provocative thought that he or she didn’t have before. Not two thoughts, or five – just one. So decide what single point you want to leave in the reader’s mind.

In fiction, you learn about pacing and how to build tension – which is something you want in a really good nonfiction feature article as well.

Nonfiction, to me, feels like an argument, whereas a novel is like a series of questions.

Remember, whatever type of nonfiction you are writing, as William Saroyan so aptly said:

“All writers are discontented with their work as it’s being made. That’s because they’re aware of a potential and believe they’re not reaching it. But the reader is not aware of the potential, so it makes no difference to him.”

Want help writing your nonfiction book?

We specialize in Business books, health and wellness, educational guides, and hybrid memoirs.

According to Indeed, there are twenty-five types of nonfiction writing.

Here is how they define and categorize the kind of books we work on:


Business books often serve as guides about management and entrepreneurship. The authors of this genre have experience in the market or industry and share their tips, expertise or methods with readers.

Health and wellness

Health and wellness books cover topics such as stress management, sleeping habits or diet. They can address physical, mental or spiritual health. They can also offer methods or plans to change or improve health. Authors of health and wellness nonfiction are often doctors and researchers with technical knowledge, or they can be healers and health coaches.

Educational Guides

Educational guides give college and high school students advice about various topics. Others target an older audience. Educational guides can describe different types of education or educate readers about various topics.

Hybrid Memoirs

Memoirs tell a story about the author’s life. Memoirs focus on an event, such as childhood or an experience in a specific industry. Autobiographies describe the writer’s experience on their entire life’s journey. While anyone can write a memoir, autobiographies are typically the works of famous people, allowing them to share their opinions and journeys with their followers. Hybrid memoirs are a combination of the author’s story and the lessons they have learned from their experiences.

To apply to work with us click here

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Should a First-Time Author Self-publish?

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As a first-time author, you may be trying to decide if self-publishing is the right path for you. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. There are several factors to consider, and this article will outline them so you can make the best decision for you and your book.

What exactly is self-publishing?

According to Wikipedia“Self-publishing is the publication of media by its author at their own cost, without the involvement of a publisher. The term usually refers to written media, such as books and magazines, either as an eBook or as a physical copy using print on demand technology. It may also apply to albums, pamphlets, brochures, games, video content, artwork, and zines. Web fiction is also a major medium for self-publishing.”

Not a new concept, self-publishing dates back to the 18th Century. The internet and other advances like print-on-demand have helped make it a more accessible method for authors. Due to its popularity, self-publishing a book has evolved to include a variety of forms. Authors can take the entirely Do-It-Yourself self-publishing route or choose from professional self-publishing (also known as assisted self-publishing) or Hybrid publishing.

It helps to understand the publishing process before you decide if you want to self-publish your book.

Publishing your book is more than simply uploading your manuscript to Amazon and hitting “submit.” Preparing your manuscript for publishing includes copy editing and proofreading, formatting, typesetting, and adding other book matter. Publishing your book so that people will read it means figuring out a go-to-market strategy, a distribution plan, pricing, which formats to offer your book in, and more.

As a first-time author, you may need a handle on all the steps in the process or which ones you can (or should) do well yourself. Different kinds of self-publishing mean taking on some or all of these tasks. Our goal is for you to be fully informed about whether self-publishing is right for you as a first-time author. Then you can determine what route you want to take if you decide to self-publish.

The allure of traditional publishing

Traditional publishing means having your manuscript acquired by a publishing company. The company then takes over most of the other steps, from laying the book out, printing it, and selling it, to enjoying a substantial portion of the profit.

Traditional publishers have strong relationships with bookstores, so there is a higher likelihood that they will be able to place your book on retail bookstore shelves.

For some authors, the prestige of garnering an agent and a publishing deal is part of the appeal of writing. They believe this route aligns more with their vision and brand and may feel that self-publishing needs to be more respected or legitimate.

Traditionally published books are indeed well-produced and professional looking. The trademark of a well-known publishing house can lend a book legitimacy in the eyes of some readers, although most don’t pay attention to it.

Over the past few decades, self-publishing has gained popularity and respectability, and done right, it can achieve the same results as traditionally published books. A well-done self-published book is indistinguishable from a traditionally published book.

The publishing landscape has changed in the 21st Century. It was customary for publishers to give authors a large, up-front advance payment on their royalties. Today, though, most first-time or non-celebrity authors get little book advance. 

What a publisher does for you (and what it doesn’t)

The other main appeal of a traditional publisher can be that they handle everything for you. The publishing company’s staff oversees book production, including proofreading, formatting, cover art, etc. 

There is a perception that there are no out-of-pocket publishing expenses for the author who goes the traditional publishing route. That used to be the case, but nowadays, publishers typically don’t do marketing for most authors they publish. Instead, because publishers are very risk-averse, they do the minimum amount of publicity—perhaps issuing a press release for the book—and then sit back to see if the book gets traction on its own. If the book gets traction, the publishing house will start putting its marketing and publicity dollars to work for the author. 

So, authors need to be aware that, even with a traditional publishing deal book deal, they will still be responsible for their marketing and promotion. If the author can get attention for the book on their own, the publisher will only do a little to help.

Additionally, the publisher will be making most decisions about the book’s branding (the look and feel) and setting the timeline for publication, which can be as far as two years out. 

A final factor to consider is that the author gets the smallest percentage of royalties with a traditional publisher. If the author got an advance, they wouldn’t get paid any additional royalties until the book has “earned out” the advance. Authors will also pay a higher price to buy copies of their own books if they want them for speaking engagements or to sell on their own websites.

Hybrid publishing options

Hybrid publishing is the halfway point between self-publishing and traditional publishing. Like traditional publishing, a hybrid publishing company handles all aspects of your book publishing and some or all of your book’s marketing and promotion. They often have good relationships with distributors and retailers, increasing your book’s chance of being placed on bookstore shelves.

The difference between hybrid and traditional publishing is that there is no book advance. Instead, the author pays some of the book’s costs, and the publisher picks up the rest. As an author going the hybrid route, you have more say in creative decisions. You also maintain the rights to your work, but depending on the contract/agreement with the hybrid publisher, they may have some say or control over certain aspects of your book or decision-making.

What about the self-publishing options?

DIY, DIY Plus [DIY+], Professional and Assisted Self-Publishing

When you think about self-publishing, you may imagine having to do everything yourself, from proofreading to book layout to writing the book description and even the cover design. Do-It-Yourself, or DIY, is the most hands-on version of self-publishing, and therefore it has the steepest learning curve.

Total DIY self-publishing has the potential for your book to turn out looking less than professional. Consider that some skills needed to publish a book, such as cover design and interior layout design or formatting, are skills only some nonfiction authors have. Design not only requires skill, but it also requires an “eye” or highly developed sense of design aesthetic. 

However, there are design templates that you can use as a base, which can shorten the learning curve and could yield better results than trying to DIY your book design from scratch.


Important Self-publishing considerations

Consider that as an established brand, entrepreneur, coach, or consultant looking to use your book to attract high-end clients and opportunities, you will need your book to reflect that high-end aesthetic and professional vibe. That is why you will want to consider DIY+ self-publishing or professional self-publishing.

Other skills you will need to succeed as an author have little to do with publishing. For the DIY and DIY+ self-publishing paths, you will need project management skills: knowing the required tasks and ensuring that you, or any freelancers you hire, get things done correctly and on time. 

DIY+ is a middle option between total DIY and professional/assisted self-publishing. With this path, you are still DIYing it but outsourcing certain aspects of the process. For example, you can hire a professional book cover designer and an interior layout designer and handle the rest of the publishing process yourself.

If you are going the DIY + route, this can be a project unto itself, researching, interviewing, vetting, and hiring your book publication team. If this is your first time doing this or you are a novice, hiring a team can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Like most things, it’s not black-and-white. You can still self-publish but outsource critical tasks like cover design and book formatting. In this case, you would be doing DIY+, where you act as the project manager overseeing the publishing, hiring, and managing as many creative resources as you choose to bring to your book-publishing team.

For DIY+, professional self-publishing, or hybrid publishing options, you’ll need to be able to research, vet, and hire the right creative professionals or team to assist you with your book publishing.

Professional self-publishing, our term for what is also known as assisted self-publishing or guided self-publishing, is a way to get your manuscript published by hiring a publishing consultant or firm to manage the entire process of taking your book content through all the stages of publishing and distribution. It is a done-for-you service, and you retain creative control.

With professional self-publishing, you benefit from experienced guidance and an existing, proven team who can hit the ground running to take your book through the publishing process. This can be a pricier option, often on par with hybrid publishing, but it saves you a lot of time as you don’t have to learn all the ins and outs of publishing a book. You can rely on your consultant or firm to provide guidance and make it happen. This can be a much less stressful route to publishing as you bring on seasoned professionals with years of experience publishing books. It removes the guesswork, overwhelms, and doubts of first-time authors.

In all self-publishing paths, you retain the IP, creative control, final decision-making, and royalties (less what Amazon or other publishing platforms or retailers take).

How to decide if you, as a first-time author should self-publish?


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When deciding whether to self-publish as a first-time author, it’s important to consider yourself and what you value. Is having total control important? Then you should self-publish using one of those three options.

Is having an existing team in place a priority? Or are you confident in your ability to hire and manage a team or a few freelancers? If so, DIY or DIY+ self-publishing could work well for you. Otherwise, you’ll want to consider one of the publishing paths with an existing professional team: traditional, hybrid, or professional self-publishing.

What is your time worth? Are you busy running a business and life? While hiring a team or freelancers can seem costly upfront, you have to factor in the cost of your own time. It will take you many hours, especially as a first-time author, to figure out your author’s action plan and how to implement it. It is up to you to decide how best to use your time, as it is a precious commodity.

Do you want guidance, or do you want to figure it out on your own?

The learning curve can be steep, especially the first time you do any new activity. In addition to learning what you need to do, you must invest the time to do the publishing. Again, it’s worth considering whether your time is better spent figuring out your book-publishing process or hiring experienced professionals to guide you and implement the required tasks.

Will the results be as good if you DIY your publishing as those you get from hiring professionals? As with any first-time activity, you don’t know what you don’t know. As long as you accept that there will be some aspects you get wrong, DIY self-publishing can be for you.

Another consideration is the cost. While hiring a professional self-publishing consultant or hybrid publisher may sound expensive, it may end up cheaper than total DIY. I have spoken to many authors who made costly mistakes the first time they self-published and ended up having to redo tasks, paying again for work that had already been done, bringing up the total project budget.

The good news is nowadays, there are numerous publishing and self-publishing options for authors to choose from. Some first-time authors decide to go with professional self-publishing, as they can learn the process by looking over the shoulder of their provider. Then take this knowledge and confidently bring future books to the market using DIY + self-publishing. 

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How to do Self-Publishing – You Don’t Have to Go it Alone

how to do self-publishing

how to do self-publishingI was raised by the best DIYer [Do It Yourselfer] I know—my dad. Sol was a sound engineer by training. He could figure out how to replicate anything or fix anything.

Take our living room wall as an example. My parents had seen a lovely decorative treatment they had fallen in love with. It was made of white bricks -not clunky exterior-type bricks, but narrow bricks with a pattern on the surface.

My mom really wanted to do their living room wall with these stylish bricks, but it was way beyond my parents’ means. So dad set out to find a mold and learn how to hand mold bricks. After trial and error, he settled on plaster as the medium.

I don’t know the exact number needed, but there were over 400 bricks created to cover their wall. Then dad lovingly placed each brick in its place. He was occasionally removing and redoing a few bricks because they didn’t look right to his eagle eyes until the long living room wall was complete.

And the result was stunning, and no one could tell that a DIYer did the wall. Except for a few small spots in the corners, if you looked closely.

Now if Sol were going to write a book today, he would be inclined to DIY all of it – the editing, the layout, the cover design…

That is one of many ways to DIY  book publishing for your book. There are degrees of DIY and options. Each one with its pros and cons.

Here are the three ways to DIY book self-publishing:

  • You can do it all yourself
  • You can be the ‘project manager’ and outsource various aspects of your book like editing, cover design…
  • You can hire a team to manage your entire publishing process – we call this Professional Self Publishing. Others call it Assisted Self Publishing.

With each method, the cost rises progressively in terms of dollars spent. With method one, you could self publish with zero dollars spent. But…
There are other costs, though, including the cost of your time spent, the cost of the time spent to learn what you need to do, the cost of the potential mistakes you will make, and the cost of trying to be an expert at all things – which may result in a cover that doesn’t look professionally designed, or result in poor formatting. These can be costly when they impact the results you get from your book.

Method two is appealing as you can save money by ‘project managing’ your publishing process. This can work well if you have hired freelancers before and know how to evaluate their capabilities. However, it also requires communicating to them what you want the result to look like. It can also be stressful, requiring learning new skills such as hiring a team, managing projects, and requesting revisions. The other downside is that it may be more time-consuming than you realize and hard to stick to deadlines.

While method three – outsourcing all of your book publishing can be the most costly monetarily, it is often the least stressful. If you choose wisely, you rely on your trusted team to advise you, guide you, and handle putting your book together and publishing it on schedule and budget, resulting in a professionally produced and published book.

I have seen authors spending more on #1 and #2 due to factors ranging from rookie mistakes, bad hires requiring new hires, money spent to fix errors made, and overspending by buying overlapping services simply because they didn’t understand their requirements well enough.

The other cost to consider is the impact your publishing choice will have on your brand. Will your results match the carefully developed brand that you have spent time building? Will your published look professional enough to attract the high end clients you are looking to attract?

Trying anything new has a learning curve. When you consider how to do self publishing for your book, It’s up to you to decide how to spend your time and dollars best to realize your goal as an author.

To learn more about the how to successfully write, publish and promote your book, join me for The Visionary Author Summit taking place March 20-24th.

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Find the Perfect Nonfiction Book Writing Coach – Increase Your Book’s Success

non fiction book writing coach

non fiction book writing coachHiring a non-fiction book writing coach can help you easily develop a fledgling book concept into a solid outline, book draft, and finally, a published, successful book

What is a book writing coach?

Specialized writing coaches, also referred to as book coaches or book sherpas, help aspiring authors by guiding them through the book-writing process. They may also help with book publishing and promotion. Working with a book writing coach can help you with your book strategy, developing a book outline, staying organized, keeping you motivated, and holding you accountable. Book writing coaches are not editors, though some may read portions of your work and provide feedback.

Working with a book coach can help make the publishing process simpler and easier to navigate.

The benefits of working with a non-fiction book writing coach

If you’re looking to write a book, you may be wondering if hiring a non-fiction book writing coach is right for you. In general, when you hire a coach, you’re hiring someone with expertise in the subject matter to help you achieve your goals. That’s exactly what a non-fiction book writing coach does. Though not all non-fiction book writing coaches are alike. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of working with a non-fiction book writing coach, as well as what to look for when you hire one.

If you have the desire, the drive, and the passion to write a book but don’t know where to start, hiring a non-fiction book writing coach can help you go from idea to published author. Since most of them know the entire book-writing process, the right coach can help you navigate it with ease, so you don’t have to do it alone.

An added benefit of a nonfiction book writing coach for business building books, is a coach who has experience and know-how in marketing and promotion. With these skills, they will be able to help you think about how to create a book that will move you towards your author goals more easily, and build these into both your book content and your marketing activities early on.

Why do people want to hire a book coach?

Many people dream of writing a book, and yet a very small percentage write their book and an even smaller percentage go on to publish their book.

There can be many reasons for this from:

  • Not knowing where or how to start
  • Not knowing how to turn your idea or content into a cohesive book
  • Not having a clear vision and plan and getting lost along the way
  • Getting writer’s block or getting stuck and not knowing what to do to move past it
  • Self-doubt creeping in and stopping you

Good nonfiction book writing coaches can help you avoid many of these potential obstacles, as well as overcome them if they arise. Some aspiring authors feel they need the accountability of having a dedicated writing coach to keep them on track. Authors also hire a writing coach for their expert guidance in book writing, publishing, and promotion. They know that writing a book is a big undertaking and want to position themselves for success. Hiring a writing coach gives authors a better chance of completing their book, publishing it, and achieving the goals they set for themselves with their book. A book coach can also help authors validate their ideas. 

Not all nonfiction book writing coaches are the same

Book writing coaches have different backgrounds and service offerings as well as individual personalities. It is important to understand these before deciding on a coach so that you choose the right one for your needs. Here are a few examples of writing coaches:

  • Focus solely on your book writing and editing
  • Help you with your writing and focus on helping you write a book proposal for a traditional publishing deal
  • Offer book writing, self-publishing, and launch or promotion support

Coaches who focus on the writing and editing of your book can be a big help to make sure that your content is of the highest quality and represents you and your work. For nonfiction, business-building books, these coaches may not offer any insight into or guidance into creating a book that will help grow your business or any strategy for your book’s promotion.

How to choose the right nonfiction book coach

If you’ve decided that hiring a coach to help you write your book is right for you, the next step is to choose the right coach. How do you pick the perfect nonfiction book writing coach? The first thing you want to do is ask yourself what your goals are. What do you want to achieve by hiring a coach to help you write your book? Do you want to earn more money? Do you want to get more clients or increase the reach of your message? Once you know what you want to achieve, the next step is to do your research. A good place to start is with online reviews. There are many online review sites where you can read reviews from other clients who have worked with a coach before. You can also ask other authors of business books if they used a coach, what their experience was, and who they recommend. 

Working With a Nonfiction Book Writing Coach to Maximize Results

When you work with a nonfiction book writing coach, you want to make sure you get the most out of the experience. The best way to do that is to follow these four tips for coaching success. First, have a clear vision for the book you’re writing. Some nonfiction book writing coaches like me will work with you to gain total clarity around your book idea. The clearer your vision, the easier it will be for your coach to help guide you. 

Next, be open to feedback. Your coach is there to help you and he or she can only do that if you’re open to feedback. Sometimes authors fall in love with an aspect of their books – such as a title or a cover, that doesn’t align with their vision and goals for their book, yet they are reluctant to let it go. 

Knowing your author goals before your write your book is a large factor in creating a book that will help you achieve them. If your book writing coach doesn’t offer a book marketing strategy, consider consulting with a book marketing professional in the early stages of your book planning, to ensure that you incorporate key elements into your book and know what you will need to do to promote it, both before and after you publish your book.

 Finally, be committed to the process. It takes time to write a book. You’re not going to write a book in a month or two. Be committed to the process and see it through to the end. Know that it is normal to get frustrated or run into a block; that is what your coach is there for – to help you overcome any obstacles and to make the process a better and easier one while guiding you across the finish line.

Tips for Coaching Success

There are two things you can do to ensure coaching success. First, define the process: What does the coaching process look like? How will it work? What will you be doing every step of the way? What does your coach expect from you? What can you expect from your coach? Next, have realistic expectations: What are the milestones you need to hit during the coaching process? 

The Writing Process with A Nonfiction Book Writing Coach

The writing process with a nonfiction book writing coach is pretty straightforward. After you hire a coach, you’ll sit down with them and determine to create your book blueprint [to learn more about our self-publishing blueprint process – listen to our podcast The Self Publishing Blueprint.] You’ll also want to discuss your goals and the target audience you want to reach. Deciding on your publishing path – traditional, hybrid, or self-published will help you determine some of the necessary steps. Once you’ve decided on a book concept and goals, the coach will help you outline your book. Many coaches follow a process called “segmenting.” In layman’s terms, this process simply means breaking down your book into digestible pieces. 

Once you have a solid outline, it’s time to start writing, with guidance from your coach.

The publishing process with a nonfiction book writing coach

Now that you’ve written your book and have proofread, edited, and rewritten it until you’re happy with it, it’s time to publish a book. This process varies depending on the publishing path you choose to publish your book, as well as whether your coach includes publishing as part of their services. Some coaches will help you self-publish your book, while others may help you write a book proposal so that you can pursue a traditional publishing deal. That is why it is helpful to know the publishing path you want to pursue before hiring a book writing coach.


If you’re looking to write a book, you may be wondering if hiring a nonfiction book writing coach is right for you. In general, when you hire a coach, you’re hiring someone with expertise in the subject matter to help you achieve your goals.

“Stay in your zone of Genius and just hire Jane. I was able to see how to monetize using a book, and it has generated almost six figures worth of revenue to date.”

 Wei Houng, Author, CEO of HumanOPs Technologies

 That’s exactly what a nonfiction book writing coach does. A nonfiction book writing coach is an experienced writing coach who helps guide you through the entire process of writing a book. In doing so, you can easily develop a fledgling book concept into a solid outline, book draft and finally, a published, successful book. If you hire a nonfiction book writing coach, you have a resource who understands the entire book-writing process and can help you navigate it with ease.

To find out more about our nonfiction book coaching servicesstart here

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Choosing the Best Self-Publishing Book Company for Your Needs

Choosing the best self-publishing book company for your needs_

Choosing the right self-publishing book company is an important decision in bringing your book to market successfully. If you’ve completed writing your book, it’s easy to think your author work is done. If you haven’t already decided on your publishing route, now it’s time to consider your self-publishing options. You’ll need a company to print, distribute and sell your book. However, that’s just one piece of the puzzle. When you self-publish a book, you take on many new responsibilities. You need to find the right self-publishing company, create an effective marketing plan, and choose the right printing options for your book. In this post, we’ll cover all the details you need to know when choosing a self-publishing company.

Self-publishing a book can seem like an intimidating process. After all, you’re essentially the publisher, marketer, and distributor all in one. But with the rise of self-publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), it’s now easier than ever to get your book out there. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about choosing the best self-publishing book company for your needs and goals.

While Amazon and other platforms make it easy to simply upload a file to publish a book, many of you will want a more professional-looking product. You want bookstore quality and a book that will speak to your ideal audience and get you the results you are seeking.

The kind of self-publishing companies we are talking about in this post

It is important to frame this conversation with what kind of self-publishing book companies we are talking about.­­­­­­

Some people refer to Amazon and Ingram Spark as self-publishing companies. While some of them offer services to help you with the self-publishing process, they are best as platforms you can use to self-publish [print, sell, distribute] your book. The downside to hiring a platform to also handle your self-publishing process and book launch or promotion is that these companies will only sell you what they offer, which may or may not be the best option for you and your book.  They also may not provide the best bang for
your limited book budget.

What this post is about is self-publishing book companies that offer to guide you through self-publishing your book or offer done-for-you self-publishing.

We call it professional self-publishing. It’s also been called assisted self-publishing.

By using a separate company from the platforms to self-publish your book, you can get unbiased advice and are not get locked into one platform. You can take advantage of the best resources across multiple sites and increase your chances
of success for your book.

What exactly is self-publishing?

According to dictionary.com:
self-publishing is a verb, gerund or present participle:
(of writer)publish (a piece of one’s work) independently and at one’s own expense.

There is only one key difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing:
“If the author owns the rights and royalties, then the book is self-published. If the publishing company owns the rights and royalties, then the book is traditionally published.” [souce: Scribemedia]

Self-Publishing Paths – your three options to consider

  1. Self-publish your book yourself by handling every aspect of preparing your book for publication, gathering all the necessary components, and uploading it to the selected publishing platforms

  2. Hire a company or consultant to handle all aspects of your publishing- taking your completed final draft through successful publishing and book launch

  3. Hire a company or consultant to handle a portion of the preparation or book setup for you

 While self-publishing has made it easy for anyone to become a published author without needing a book publishing deal, there are a lot of moving parts, nuances, and micro-decisions to be made. Self-publishing requires a team to handle all the different, required aspects of publishing your book. These include title, cover design, book formats, categories, keywords, etc. While anyone can do it, the question is, do you want to earn your Ph.D. in publishing, or is it a better use of your time to hire a professional self-publishing company or self-publishing consultant to shepherd you through the process.


DIY or hire it out – Which type are you?   

You may have a finished manuscript, but it’s not quite ready for publication. After all, you wouldn’t want to put your name behind something that wasn’t well-edited or even error-free.

As we’ve discussed, self-publishing is more than just uploading your manuscript to publishing platforms. It requires many different functions from book editing, design, copywriting, and so on. You can build your own team and then act as a project manager to oversee the process of finding your own book printing company, creating a professional cover and layout, creating front matter for your book, and several other important tasks. You can learn to do this yourself.

There are many resources available to help you understand the self-publishing process. Free resources include free courses, YouTube videos, and online Facebook groups. There are also paid classes and membership groups that provide training and a place to learn or ask questions as they come up.

As with any new endeavor, you’ll have to learn new skills and technologies. If you have never hired or assembled a team, you may not know what questions to ask, or how to properly vet the freelancers. Taking the time to understand the publishing process, being willing to ask questions, and having a measure of patience will help you succeed at doing it yourself.


Hire a self-publishing book company

The other option is to hire a self-publishing consultant or self-publishing company team to direct, oversee and manage the process of self-publishing your book.

When you hire a self-publishing book company or consultant, you get someone to advise you on what you need to do, and when it is needed. Then, they bring in their team as needed to accomplish the tasks and move your manuscript through the process of becoming a book and publishing and launching it. As you are the owner of the intellectual property, you will be consulted on and get the final say in all decisions. With this path, you will be making informed decisions as your company/consultant should be sharing with you the pros/cons and what to consider before making the decisions. 

You can sit back and make high-level decisions while they do all the heavy lifting and keep it on track. No details were left out and it is usually stress-free. This method takes the least amount of your time. There is no time needed to search for team members or vet them – this has already been done for you.


The cost of hiring a self-publishing book company

The cost of hiring a professional self-publishing book company or self-publishing consultant may create sticker shock at first glance. When you factor in the professional advice they offer, the time saved in not having to source, vet, and hire a team, project management or do the actual publishing yourself, it is probably well worth it. Outsourcing it to professionals, will save you time and likely save you from a lot of mistakes and headaches. The process will go smoothly, and you will end up with a great, professional-looking book. Plus, it was one less thing on your already busy plate.

If you go with the third option, to hire out only some of the needed parts of self-publishing your book, it will be helpful to learn as much as you can about the self-publishing process so you can decide which parts to do yourself DIY and which parts to outsource. 

cost to self-publish a book

First time authors don’t know what they don’t know when it comes to self-publishing

As an author, there are a lot of micro decisions to make along the way to publishing your book. Some of which will have long-term impacts. Impacts that you may not understand when just starting. Here is just one example of a common situation that first-time authors come up against. One example of this is the sourcing of their ISBNs.

ISBN Selection

Authors often try and conserve costs­­. Getting the required ISBNs for your book is costly. Bowker, the main player in the US market, sells one ISBN for $125, or a block of ten ISBNs for $295. If your book is in ebook and paperback formats, you will need two ISBNs, one for each version of the book.

Amazon offers free ISBNs. Sounds good right? Once you use Amazon’s free ISBN, you can’t take it with you to other platforms. Go to publish your book on B &N, or Apple Books and your ISBN is not usable. The other downside to this free ISBN is that it requires you to list Amazon as your imprint. This can detract from your book, as it is obvious your book is self-published; it may also deter other bookstores from carrying your book.

This is something first-time authors learn the hard way. If they decide later to publish the book on multiple platforms, they often must go through the process of republishing their book as a new version with a new ISBN that they own. This is because a new ISBN can only be issued if there are changes in text, format, or binding to justify it. This can be costly in terms of both time and money.

Questions to ask yourself– are you willing to live with rookie mistakes? They can be costly to your brand and your wallet, as well as drag out and delay your publishing timeline.

With all of this in mind, there are several things to consider before choosing the best self-publishing book company for you and your manuscript.

Not all self-publishing book companies are created equal


Here are a few examples of self-publishing book company service offerings: 

Company A – offers editing and proofreading

Company B – offers all steps from idea to published book, on sale on all major platforms – offers no marketing 

Company C – offers all steps from idea to published book, on sale on all major platforms – offers book launch, book marketing and PR

When you hire a fully staffed self-publishing company where everything is done in-house, you get a ready made team. With a solo self-publishing consultant, you will also get a team, as they will quickly assemble trusted, vetted professionals from their network. 


Before you hire a self-publishing company – 3 factors to consider

When you are looking to hire a self-publishing company, it’s important to understand what stage of the process you are in and what you need to bring your book to market. What are you as the author bringing to the party? Here are three questions to consider:

1. Is your manuscript written and edited? 

Some authors get as far as they can with their book and will tell us their manuscript is finished. They’ll look to us to take it through the editing and proofreading process. Other authors come to us with a fully edited manuscript that they have edited and proofread for typos and grammatical errors.

 When an author says their manuscript is finished, this can mean two things. They have taken it as far as they can and want help polishing and packaging it for publication, or, it is fully edited and ready for publication.

2. Do you know what your goals are as an author?

Understanding your goals can have an impact on the publishing strategy you need. You may think of publishing your book as separate from marketing your book and may be planning to use different companies for each phase of your book’s journey. It is important to understand what your bigger author goals are, as they can have an impact on how and where you decide to publish your book. Your self-publishing company or self-publishing consultant should inquire about this and work with you to publish your book to help it meet your goals. Different goals can mean a different strategy is needed. Here are two examples:

 A local real estate agent wants to publish a book to hand out to prospects. It will be their unforgettable business card.  Their main goal is to stand out in their local market. Being published on Amazon is simply an added boost for them so that when someone googles their name, their book listing shows in their search results, adding additional credibility to them. However, they aren’t looking for sales on Amazon or to get national recognition or visibility. They need a simple strategy – Publishing in both paperback and eBook formats, and publishing only on Amazon may be sufficient for them.

A consultant looking to increase their reach, visibility, and credibility and presell more high-ticket clients will want the broadest reach, distribution, and credibility. They will want to have their book published on every possible platform [Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo…], and they will want multiple book formats- paperback, eBook, audiobook, and possibly hardcover, as well as the option to have their books carried in bookstores and libraries. They will probably want a visibility campaign to get the word out about their book and reach more people.

3. How willl you handle marketing and book promotion?

The typical self-published author sells about five copies of their book. The average U.S. book now sells less than 200 copies per year, and less than 1000 copies over its lifetime. Books don’t automagically sell themselves, so you will want to have some kind of book launch and promotional plan. This may be something you look to your self-publishing book company or self-publishing consultant to provide, or you may have this covered elsewhere. 

It is important to put time and thought into how your book will get out into the world, and who you want to have do that for you or with you, or if you plan to go totally solo and handle it on your own.  Some self-publishing companies offer promotional strategies, guidance, or actual implementation. It may be included in your self-publishing package, as an add-on service, or by referral to partners who they can recommend to help you with this.

Comparing self-publishing book companies – what to look for

It’s important to define what publishing a book means to you, and how a self-publishing company defines it as a service offering before you hire them. I see a lot of confusion about what it means to publish a book; often clients think that a book launch promotion is part of book publishing. It can be, but it may not be, so this is an important point to clarify in advance of hiring a book publishing company or consultant, and choosing a publishing package. It’s important to understand how and what publishing a book means and what your self-publishing company defines it as and what it is exactly that they offer.  Does your self-publishing package include any launch, promotion, or book marketing?

Define exactly what self-publishing a book means – make sure your self-publishing company is on the same page with you

Let’s go to the dictionary to shed some light on a few terms that may be being interchanged in the publishing process and can lead to some unintentional confusion.

► Publishing: The term publishing means, in the broadest sense, making something publicly known. Historically, it came to refer to the issuing of printed materials such as books and magazines.

What is the meaning of a published book? Produced or released for distribution 

► Book Launch: A book launch is any even wherein the author or their public relations (PR) team invites a group of people to celebrate the arrival of an upcoming book

► Book Marketing: A book marketing plan includes publicity and promotional marketing efforts to help sell books and reach more readers

► Book Publicity: A plan and campaign designed to raise awareness about the book and create buzz. Unlike marketing, it’s goal are not specifically tied to selling books. 


Choosing the right self-publishing company is an essential part of the self-publishing process. Whatever publishing path you take, you need to find the right platforms, companies, and resources to help you bring your book to market.

Before looking for a self-publishing company, as we discussed, it’s important to know your author goals, how much you want to do yourself, and how much you want to outsource before you start evaluating the self-publishing book company options.            

The best self-publishing company for you will depend on your publishing goals and which company offers the level of service and package you are seeking. It’s important to carefully consider each company and that they offer services that match your needs and goals before making a final decision.

Jane Tabachnick & Co. is a full service self-publishing book company. We work with non-fiction authors to help take them from idea through every stage of book publishing and book promotion.  Find out more about working with us here 

Listen to our podcast: The Self-Publishing Blueprint here

Self-Publishing Nonfiction: Your Ultimate Path to Freedom?

self publishing for nonfiction

“Self-Publishing Nonfiction is not a consolation prize.”

Self-publishing nonfiction today is a recognized and legitimate way to become a published author. If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming an author, you may have also dreamt of garnering a publishing deal with a big advance.  It’s harder to get a publishing deal these days, and even harder to get paid a big advance. “Self-publishing your book is not a consolation prize,” stated Ink Authors founder Christine Whitmarsh.

The good news is that you can still fulfill your dream of becoming an author by writing nonfiction works such as business books, how-to guides, or self-help manuals. When writing nonfiction, an author has more freedom in the creative and marketing process.

Gone are the days when you need to go through hoops to get your work published. You can now have more control over the production and release of your non-fiction book by choosing the self-publishing route.


Why Traditional Publishing Sucks for Indie Authors

Aside from needing to aim for a Pulitzer-prize level of writing, indie authors face the uphill climb of finding a reputable publisher to approve their work. This can also take time- often as much as a year-long process to land a publishing deal.

And then there’s the problem of book length. When it comes to traditional publishing, 50,000 words is considered a “short” work. Normal, full-length books can range from 65,000 to 90,000 words long (while some can span as much as 150,000+ words). Self-published books, on the other hand, can be published with as little as 20,000 words! With your audience’s shrinking attention spans, shorter books can be more attractive.

Hence, it takes more time, energy, commitment, writing, editing, and sacrifice to produce any book the traditional way.

Then there is the issue of marketing and promoting your book. Many authors, especially first-timers, believe their publishing company is going to handle the book marketing and publicity. It can be a rude awakening to discover that the book promotion is up to the author for the most part. Should the book take off and begin selling, the publisher will then likely step-up promotional efforts for the book.


Nonfiction Self-Publishing Could Be Your Answer

If you have a business or practice that you’re trying to promote, self-publishing a nonfiction book is the fastest way to penetrate your niche and establish your expertise – with less publishing hassle involved.

Here’s why self-publishing for nonfiction can be your ultimate path to freedom:

  • It Gives You Instant Authority. While having a published book under your belt doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have cult worshippers bowing down at your feet, it does give you a certain air of legitimacy in your field. You can use this social proof to funnel your readers toward other aspects of your business, such as coaching, masterminds, memberships, courses, and other high-ticket offers.
  •  It Allows You to Receive Higher Royalties for Your Work. It is very common for traditionally published authors to receive only 7% to 10% royalties for each paperback copy sold. If you choose to self-publish nonfiction online, say through a popular platform like Kindle, you can earn as much as 70% from each copy sold. The royalties on print books will be less, as you must subtract the cost of printing from the sales price before you get paid.
  •  It Enables You to Access a Global Market. It takes a lot of effort, resources, time, and marketing to be recognized internationally as an author via traditional publishing. With self-publishing, however, you can publish and market your book globally from day one. Nowadays, there are no major barriers to producing your book. You can just sit down, write your manuscript for several weeks or months, edit it, have it formatted, and then upload it to any digital publishing platform.

You’ll need to meet platform guidelines, however, those are readily available online, or you can use a professional designer or book publishing consultant or company to guide you through the process. This is especially helpful for first-time authors, as the learning curve can be steep. The beauty of self-publishing is that you can choose the formats you want to publish your book in, including eBooks, paperbacks, hardcovers, and audiobooks.

But before we fast forward to the part where you publish your book both online and offline, let’s talk about getting that book done first.


Tips For Writing Your First Non-Fiction Book

Just how can you turn a seed of thought into a written piece of work? While the answer can be the subject of an entire book, here are some tips for getting started:

Start With a Problem You’d Like to Solve

The best thing about nonfiction is that you don’t need a lot of imagination to get started writing. No crazy storylines or shocking twists are required. All you need is a “seed” of an idea.

This seed of thought can be a solution to a problem that your audience faces. A lot of popular nonfiction business books solve basic human problems, such as how to be successful, lose weight, develop more intimate relationships, and many more. As an entrepreneur, coach, consultant, or business owner, you come across the challenges your clients and audience face every day- these can be the great basis for a book.

Take a closer look at your passion and profession. What problems do people in your field go through usually? Is there any wisdom or learning you wish somebody gave to you when starting out? Answering these questions will help you come up with an initial idea for your self-published book.

Perhaps you have a unique message or methodology you want to share with the world. A book is a great way to get your content out to a wide audience quickly, while also establishing your credibility as an expert. Readers will instantly assume you’re an expert on a topic when you write a book about it.

Expand Your Initial Book Idea and Break it Down into Chunks of Information

As you come up with an initial “seed of thought” as the basis for your book, it will be easier to break down this main idea into subtopics that are more detailed and in-depth. This is where your outlining skills will come in handy.

Remember the table of contents that you typically see in published books? Write something similar (except for page numbers of course), so you’ll have a clear visual representation of your book’s info structure. This will also create your writing roadmap, giving you a clear idea of the content you need to write for your book.

The selfpublishing blueprint podcast for nonfiction books

Want to know more about the process we use to consistently create bestselling authors?  Listen to our podcast The Self Publishing Blueprint


Decide Early on How the Draft Is Going to Be Written

Whether you think of yourself as a writer or not, and can clear the time to write, the best option is to write your manuscript. Remember, all successful writers use a great editor to polish their work before publishing it.

If you feel that speaking is your strong suit, you can dictate your book and turn that into a manuscript. You will need to edit it a bit more carefully to shape it into your manuscript and ensure that it reads like a book and not like it is a transcript.

If you feel like you want to, or can’t write your book, you can be the main source of ideas for the book but get a bit of help with the writing and editing. The bottom line is, you are still the author, but you can decide if you’re going to do it solo or with a team.

Ask yourself, “how do I plan to write each chapter of this book”? It takes some discipline and commitment to set aside time for actual writing on a daily or weekly basis. When it comes to getting a draft done, consistency is key.

Having the support of a writing coach, program or community can help keep you accountable and motivated, and keep you from feeling lonely or isolated as a writer.

Niche Down

A lot of writers shy away from “niching down” because they feel that they’ll get a smaller audience that way. The truth is, if you drill down to a more precise niche topic and audience segment in your field, you stand a higher chance of being seen as a thought leader.

In short, specialize instead of generalizing.

For example, instead of writing about weight loss, why not focus on a specific diet such as keto? If you’re writing a book about digital marketing, why not talk about ONE aspect of it such as SEO, social media marketing, or paid search?

Niching down allows you to give more precise, real-world information to your readers. It gives you more opportunities to express yourself, your experience, and your unique knowledge in your field.

Narrowing down your audience creates more engagement with your book. As an example, if you want to speak about getting funding for a business, the more specific you can target the specific stage a business is in, the more interested and engaged your audience will be.  Think startup vs. established business – they are at very different stages and will have different needs. By writing for a specific segment of your audience, you create more interest and sell more books. The startup will gravitate towards books on raising capital, whereas the established business may seek out books on government loans and business lines of credit.


Using Nonfiction Writing Prompts

Nonfiction writing prompts are mental markers or crutches you can use to get your creative juices flowing and come up with fresh ideas.

If you’re struggling with ideas for your next book, try the following non-fiction writing prompts:

Instructional Prompts for Nonfiction

  • Think about something you’re passionate about and have a reasonable amount of expertise in. Turn your knowledge into a bunch of “how-to” information that can then be expanded later into separate chapters.
  • Think about a personal experience that changed the way you see the world. What learnings and realizations did you garner from the experience? Use that as a seed idea for your book.
  • Think about a major problem you solved for a client and the mistakes you made while trying to solve that problem. Write a cautionary book that outlines your mistakes so people can avoid them (share what worked and didn’t work).

Informative Prompts for Nonfiction

  • Interview companies about how they handle a topic or use a tool. You can share a series of case studies that illustrate various uses. Turn these into a book. Here’s an example: “The History of Email, How 8 Companies Used Email to Engage Customers and Double Their Profits.”
  • Research little-known facts and information nuggets about a popular industry. Turn these ideas into a book. Here’s an example: “7 Things You Didn’t Know About Keto Diets”.

Story-Based Prompts for Nonfiction

  • Write a series of personal stories that have a common theme between them. For example, if you’re writing a book about money management, collect several stories from your personal experience that teach lessons about how to manage money.
  • Write a chapter that relives a harsh or difficult time in your life. The story should show your vulnerability but also demonstrate how you pursued what you wanted to achieve despite the setbacks.

Non-fiction writing prompts help a lot if you hit a wall in your writing and have run out of ideas. You can use them before, during, and even after the development of your manuscript.

There are hundreds of non-fiction writing prompts you can use (which obviously can’t fit in this short blog). Once you jumpstart your creativity with them, there’s no stopping your ideas as they begin to flow. Now, make sure to refer back to your Table of Contents to ensure that these ideas fit into your outline, or modify it to include these new ideas.


Best Self-Publishing Companies

Self-publishing can be done for both nonfiction and fiction books. The option you choose will depend on your goals for publishing, as well as the budget you have.

If you want to enter your market as fast as you can with as little cost as possible, it is best to try the online self-publishing route using the following platforms:

Best Self-Publishing Companies for eBooks

► Amazon Kindle (also known as Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP

As of 2022, there are 48.5 million active books in the Amazon Kindle marketplace, many of which are from authors with no physical copies of their books. You can compete with established authors in your niche through the Kindle marketplace.

Amazon Kindle has leveled the playing field a little bit by removing the barriers to getting your book accepted by publishers. You can directly upload your finished manuscript on Kindle Direct Publishing for free and with a relatively easier approval process. You may also promote it for free by sharing your book link via blogs or social media.

The main drawback with KDP is that higher-priced books don’t sell as much. To qualify for 70% royalties, your book’s price must be within the $2.99 to $9.99 range.

Apple Books

Though not as widely read as Amazon, Apple Books has maintained a solid level of readership in the past several years. Uploading on this platform is free, and 70% royalties can be earned on most books.


Rakuten Kobo is one of the big names in self-publishing and is a perfect option for you if you want to tap into international audiences. Kobo has a strong reach outside the United States. Its self-publishing arm, Kobo Writing Life, is user-friendly and easy to use.

Kobo pays 70% royalties on digital books priced above $2.99 and 45% for those priced below $.299. Uploading to the platform is free.


Self-Publishing for Physical Books

Self-publishing works if you prefer to have eBooks or physically printed copies of your book; we recommend you publish in both formats. After all, nothing beats the smell of books straight off the press. A printed book has more value to some readers because they can touch, feel, interact with, and take it anywhere they want. Hence, you should not dismiss the idea of printing “real” books.

If you prefer to go this route, you may check out these self-publishing platforms:

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP

In addition to eBooks, KDP offers the ability to publish print books in both paperback and hardcover. Once you set up one version of your book in the KDP platform, it will clone the information to any other format you select, making it easy to publish in multiple formats. As a print-on-demand publisher, you can use them to print, sell, and distribute your books. As an author, you can order copies at cost from KDP.

Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble Press provides the tools to self-publish and self-promote your physical and digital books (ebooks). They offer high-quality paperback or hardcover prints that can be delivered to your door within 10 days of ordering.

You may also estimate the costs of printing in advance by using the Book Printing Costs calculator on their website.


Aside from distributing eBook and audiobook formats, PublishDrive also offers print-on-demand services. This means you can print physical copies of your books in small quantities as needed.

Not ready to shell out funds for printing tens of thousands of copies? Try PublishDrive’s print-on-demand services to publish a small number of book copies. The best thing is, there is no minimum limit required to print.


So, Is Nonfiction Self-Publishing Your Path to Freedom?

Yes, it can be. But just like any field of endeavor, you need to approach it with persistence, focus, and consistency. Self-publishing has eliminated many of the barriers usually associated with book publishing. But this doesn’t mean that it is a mere walk in the park. There can be a steep learning curve and it can seem very confusing for first-time authors.

The benefits of self-publishing your nonfiction book are:

  • Ownership and control of your Intellectual Property – you get to decide on what formats to publish your book in
  • Speed to market – no waiting for a publisher to say yes to your idea… write, edit, design and publish
  • Keep 100% of royalties – minus the cut retailers like Amazon, B & N take
  • Control and final say – you select the title, content design, and every aspect of your book


This blog is committed to providing you with tools, resources, and useful information that will help you make it big in the non-fiction industry. With the huge upside of self-publishing, success is yours for the taking.

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Should You Self Publish Your Book

5 Reasons to Self Publish Your Book

should you self publish your bookAuthors often wonder should you self publish your book or seek out a traditional publisher. There are pros and cons to both avenues of publishing, so it’s important to understand them before making such an important decision.

You may think you need the know-how of a publishing house behind you or want the prestige that comes along with a big name publisher, but you’re a savvy woman and with the accessibility of self- publishing you need to consider it seriously as an option.

My top 5 answers to the question: Should you self-publish your book

1. Speed to market
When you self-publish your book, you eliminate the time you would have had to spend to find a book agent and then pitch a publisher. Instead, you can use the time to write, publish and promote your book. As a self-published author, you also can typically move through the publishing process faster, than a publishing house does.

In a few months, you can write and publish your book, whereas the search for an agent and publisher can take as long as two years, not including the writing and packaging of your book, which would be additional.

2. Total artistic control
While working with a publishing house, you get the benefit of their valuable insights and know-how, your book is your baby and having total creative decision making over it ensures that you will come out with a book that totally reflects you, your brand and your personality.

Should an opportunity arise around your book, whether it’s interest from a foreign market, or Hollywood has come calling, you get to decide if it’s right for you without having to consult with anyone.

3. you keep 100% of the profits
By publishing it on your own there is no one you need to share profits except the book store or online book retailer.

Most authors don’t make a lot of money from the sale of books, so being able to keep all of your share of the profit is beneficial. Additionally, when you work with a traditional publisher they give you an advance. That means that once you make book sales, you have to pay back the advance or draw out of the retail book sales. Once you finish paying back your advance, you have to share the remaining profits with the publisher, which means less in your pocket.

4. Book promotion and marketing
One of the big frustrations I hear from those who work with a traditional publisher, is that they don’t do much in the way of book promotion and marketing, until you become successful. Even with a publishing deal, as a first or second time author, you’ll have to do your own book marketing and promotion. You might as well self-publish and do your own marketing and promotion and know that you’re reaping all the benefits of those efforts, instead of having to share the rewards with your publishing company, who left you do the heavy lifting.

5. Equal access to distribution channels
Today, as a smart self-published author, you can get the same distribution and same visibility as traditionally published authors. You no longer need a publisher to get you into every bookstore, library, and online retailer. You can also maintain control of distribution, as well as the ability to offer discount pricing as needed.

The advantages to self-publishing are many, though there is a learning curve. Self-publishing doesn’t mean you have to do it all yourself, there are programs, coaches, and companies to help you publish your book like a pro. Done right, it can be hard to tell a self-published book from a traditionally published one.

This post first appeared on She Owns It

Related post: Choosing the Best Self-Publishing Book Company for Your Needs

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Does an Author Need Both PR and Social Media

Does an Author need both PR and Social Media

I was recently asked by a fellow publisher “whether an author with limited time and resources should put them into social media strategies rather than trying to include publicity or even going exclusively the publicity route.” Does an author need PR and Social Media to succeed?

Here is my response:

Good question. The first thing I always want to know is where does your audience live, as it should inform a lot of where to put your efforts. If you target an audience that is rarely on social media, then that would not be a great use of all your efforts.

author media and prI consider social media as part of  ‘the media’ nowadays

Earned media [others writing about you, talking about you…] is the most valuable type of content you can have [no one cares or believes what you say about you to some extent, especially on social media]. Others talking about you is social proof, third party credibility, perceived as an endorsement…

In our review economy [also called trust economy], people trust:

  1. recommendations from friends and family
  2. online reviews & recommendations and
  3. the media [source: Nielson]

You have probably heard it said that people buy from those they know, like and trust… so media coverage/mentions are in the top 3 factors that influence buying decisions

The media are respected, and as it is they who decide what they write about; being the ‘selected one’ has additional value – i.e. they featured you over all the other experts out there.

When you are featured in the media, you get the halo effect of being associated with their respected brands…. that is why we say, as seen in the NY Times or cite a NY Times book review, and we don’t say “as seen on Facebook” or cite a Facebook book review, no matter how glowing.

As you can probably tell by now, I think that authors need PR and Social Media to succeed; I recommend authors use a combination of PR and social media… yes, even when time and resources are challenged [when aren’t they?]… all the more reason to learn how each medium works and learn how to maximize your efforts.

Want to learn more about how to do your own publicity? Please check out our Magnify Your Message program

5 Ways You Should be Using Your Nonfiction Book to Make Money

How a nonfiction book can make you moneyIt’s been said that your book is your best business card. In many ways it is, because as it introduces you, it also positions you as a credible expert.
Your nonfiction book can and should make you money.  There are a number of tactics you can use to help you convert more readers into paying clients. One of the easiest ways to do this, is to invite your readers to interact with you outside the book.


 5 Ways a Nonfiction Book Can Make Money

1. Build an email list.
You have probably heard the expression ‘the money is in the list.’ There are numerous benefits to having a list of interested prospects, before you publish and afterwards, so that you have a ready audience waiting to hear from you and buy your latest books or programs. It has been said that prospects now need as many as 12 touches [emails, social media…] before they are ready to buy. With an email list, it is easy to create those touches by sending out updates and information of interest to your audience.

2. Put an offer inside your book.
It is very easy to put an offer inside your book. A client of mine put an offer inside her book for her biannual live event. She used a large graphic of a certificate, which entitled the reader to a free seat at her event. She started getting signups for her event months in advance [earlier than she usually has people signing up.] Once people get a taste of you and what you offer from reading your book, they want to meet you, work with you….

3. Offer a related bonus within your book.
With my coaching and consultant authors, I often recommend putting a worksheet[s] in their book, to help the reader get more value out of the book, and an introduction to their process. We offer the worksheet in the book, directing the reader to a webpage with a download link, which also signs them up the author’s email list. The worksheets are a great way to get started, but while using them, many people feel that they need personal coaching and help to achieve the results that they are seeking, so they realize they need to hire you.

4. Invite readers to events
Once your reader has a taste of your work via your book, they will want to know more. They may not be ready to hire you, but would welcome a chance to hear you speak and possibly meet you in person. Let them know that you give talks and workshops and have your schedule posted online, and give them the web address. I recommend creating a separate page for this in your book, so it doesn’t get buried within your bio, and stands out. Hearing you speak and meeting you in person or online, can accelerate the need for 12 touches, and can confirm for the reader that they want to work with you.

5. Let readers know how to work with you.
In your bio section or about the author section in your book, I recommend you put in information about how people can work with you. Let them know you offer consulting, workshops and presentations, group coaching, one on one coaching, complimentary strategy sessions, or any other ways people can work with you. It plants the seed of working with you, as well as taking the mystery out of how you work, and what options they can have working with you.

With a little thought and planning before you publish, you can build these simple tactics into your book to help you convert more readers into clients, so your nonfiction book can make you money. If you have already published your book, you can also revise it and republish it to include these. The reader was attracted to your book because it resonates with them. You just have to make it easy for them to see the possibilities and the how of becoming a client and working with you.


How a Nonfiction Author Can Get New Clients From Media

nonfiction author get new clientsFor authors, getting visibility helps put them in front of more potential readers. It also helps put them in front of more potential prospects. Nonfiction authors can get new clients from media coverage; especially if they know how to maximize the coverage that they get. The temptation to spend an interview talking about your book is great. With a bit of thought and planning, you can use your interviews to really connect with your audience, and make the case for why they need to work with you.

Here are my top 5 steps a nonfiction author get new clients using media coverage:

Speak in sound bites
“A sound bite is characterized by a short phrase or sentence that captures the essence of what the speaker was trying to say, and is used to summarize information and entice the reader or viewer,” according to Wikipedia. By speaking in sound bites you grab the reader or viewer’s attention and are able to connection quickly as people have short attention spans. A great sound bite is one that resonates with them and is memorable. It is the kind of content that may inspire them to share it on social media, and could easily fit on Twitter, whose limit is 140 characters.

Tell stories about the big problems you solve
Talk about the big problem that keeps your clients up at night. I don’t mean talk about your process. Tell a story about the big problem a client had, and how you were able to solve it. This lets your reader see themselves in your story, especially if this a problem they have. Your audience is going to think. I need that, I want that solution.

Use third party testimonials or descriptions
It can be hard to speak about yourself, especially in glowing terms without sounding boastful. If you have had a client describe you or your work in a very positive and concise way, then use it in your interviews as this can boost your trust and credibility with the audience. For example, “my clients call me the ‘Publicity Queen and Mentor’ and tell me that I make publicity very easy for them to understand and implement on their own.”  This serves as both an elegant way to state your expertise, while also building additional third party credibility with the testimonial.

Cite statistics
Statistics sound authoritative and are called ‘sticky content’; they are easily shared and journalists love them. It’s even more powerful if you can cite your own survey or statistics. It doesn’t have to be a huge survey of 1000 clients. If 10 out of 20 clients have the problem that you solve, you can state that ‘50% of the companies we speak to are struggling with this problem.’

Use language that talks about the benefits of your solution
Well chosen words can really reach the audience and help make them desire your solution and want to work with you. Again, this is not intended to be a sales pitch but part of your story. The client was happy because our solution was ____________ [fill in the blank]. Great benefits to cover are how you save time, money or stress. Words, like cheaper, easier, faster, better will grab the audience’s attention. Who doesn’t want more results like that in their business.

Don’t be afraid to be a bit mysterious and suggest that the audience will have to get the book to find out exactly how you achieved an outcome, but do tell great stories and give them enough information to intrigue them. Make a specific reference in your interview to your book. For example, ‘I cover this in chapter 3’. That draws your reader or listener back to the book and suggests they get it to read chapter 3 for themselves.

Finally, include an invitation, also known as a call to action. In print media, it’s up to the journalist or publication what they will include it in the article or profile, so it may not be possible;  you’ll want to ask if they can include your invitation. A good call to action can be ‘sign up for my newsletter’, ‘download a free report’ or ‘download a sample chapter of the book’ on my website. When you are being interviewed on radio, podcast or TV you can usually make a call to action. I recommend discussing it with the media outlet beforehand. They will often be happy to segue into your call to action by asking, “If the listener would like more information about your work, what is the best way for them to find out?” Here is where you invite the reader or listener to connect with you, download your content or engage with you on social media.

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