When authoring a book, there are a lot of benefits that you get as a result. It’s been described as Thud Factor -not just the noise a book makes when landing on a desk, but the impact it creates for you and your business. Some of theses benefits may surprise you.
Here are 10 ways that authoring a book creates Thud Factor:
- When someone Googles your name, your book listing will come up on page one of those search results
- Many people want to write a book, statistics 80%, and yet very few do statistics a 1%. That immediately sets you apart as a doer, and action taker, and garners you instant respect and credibility
- You are seen as an expert
- You are seen as credible
- You come up in searches based on your topic
- Your book can come up in searches alongside industry titans – giving you equal billing and credibility
- You have the best business card possible. Take a few of your books to your next in person event, and watch the reaction when you hand someone a copy of your book. Want to have/see thunderous thud factor? Autograph it for them!
- Your book provides brand enhancement
- You attract better clients – ones who are willing to pay your top fee
- You have a great sense of pride and accomplishment
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