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WelcomeThank you for stopping by to record your PR or Authority Marketing Prediction for 2020

Please complete these 2 Steps:

1. Provide your intro and social information [fill out the form below]

2. Record your prediction – the app is below the info form

[please keep it between 1 and 2 minutes!]

Here is an example of how your tip will appear in

 the PR AUTHORity Minute Flash Briefing

PR AUTHORity Minute flash briefing by Jane Tabachnick


This is Jane Tabachnick with the PR AUTHORity Minute Flash Briefing.Today’s PR Prediction for 2020 is from 3X NY Times Bestselling author, Host of the award-winning PR Podcast _Name Here_, the founder of XYZ Company – John Smith. Take it away John!

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Your Prediction:

It’s John Smith. In 2020, you can expect to see more……..

< Chime >


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Step 2

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